Some medications used to treat pain can be addictive. Addiction is different from physical dependence or tolerance, however. In cases of physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms occur when a substance suddenly is stopped. Tolerance occurs when the initial dose of a substance loses its effectiveness over time. Addiction and physical dependence often occur together.
People who take a class of drugs called opioids for a long period of time may develop tolerance and even physical dependence. This does not mean, however, that a person is addicted. In general, the chance of addiction is very small when narcotics are used under proper medical supervision. Addictive Pain Medications
Opioids, a family of drugs that have effects similar to those of opium or morphine, can be addictive.They include:
Codeine Oxycodone (including brand name OxyContin)
Morphine (including brand name MS Contin)
Meperidine (including brand name Demerol)
Hydrocodone (including brand name Vicodin)
The following is a list of areas that Apex Behavioral Health has convenient locations to take care of your Mental Health Services in Downriver Michigan needs:
At Apex Behavior Heath, We provide the Mental Health Services in Taylor Michigan as well as Mental Health Services Wyandotte Michigan and Mental Health Services throughout the whole State of Michigan.